Let me start by saying that it has been faaaar toooo long since I updated Bo’s blog. Since Bo died a year ago, I have become sort of a silent member. I apologize for that. Please know that I check the Tripawds forums every day. I’ve read every story that is posted; I’ve celebrated successes; I’ve cried over our losses. I am going to do better about posting and helping others that are faced with amputation. As another member put it, I need to refill the cup that kept me filled when I need help. Thank you all for always being there for me during this journey.

Tomorrow marks one year since we set our boy free. This weekend has really brought back a lot of memories of the weekend that Bo left us. He died on the Sunday of Labor Day weekend. On Saturday we watched football, the same as we did a year ago. Yesterday, I drank my coffee on the porch, same as a year ago, except this time I wasn’t next to my boy saying goodbye to him. I miss Bo every day.
Last year I lost Bo and both of my grandmothers. I have grown a lot this year. I am thankful for each day that I have with the ones that I love and I do not take time for granted anymore. I am not wishing time to fly or getting anxious for weekends/holidays. I am enjoying each day. Bo taught me that.
Last November, we adopted a new family member, Brady. He was a rescue dog and has brought us so much happiness! We’ve grown a lot as a pack, especially this summer when we got to travel together and spend more time together at home. Brady is quirky, athletic, and quite calm. Much…MUCH…different from Bo. He will occasionally do something so “trademark Bo” and it cracks us up. MC Belle won’t admit it, but we think she likes having a dog around again.
Brady and Belle Having Snuggle Time!
In general, life is happy and I feel complete again…as complete as I can with a piece missing from my heart. School has started back; routine is back. My sister is getting married in 3 weeks. Lee turned 30 and we had a fantastic celebration. Our 3 year wedding anniversary is next month…my birthday is next month. Football is here! Fall and the holidays are right around the corner. I spend each day with the love of my life! I miss Bo every day, but damn, life is good.
Bo taught me so much about life and enjoying the little things. I do not take his lessons for granted. We will celebrate your life tomorrow and always, sweet boy! Keep having fun at the Bridge. We love and miss you!!

Honest to goodness, it doesn’t seem like a year. That makes me feel old!
Meghan, I don’t know that I’ve read anyone putting it down quite as perfectly as you did. I’d say “right on” but that sounds a bit dated. But you hit every nail straight on the head. Bo is gone and you miss him very much; you’re here with others you love and intend to enjoy your journey; you can miss Bo and still have a good life.
Thank you for saying it all so well. We miss Bo something fierce, too. There are so many who put their muddy little pawprints all over this site. Bo’s pawprints are part of a huge picture, and the picture wouldn’t be complete without each print. I’m so happy you shared your wild Bocephus with us and that you continue to share pieces of his life. I wish I’d known him. I know we would have had a ball!
Oh I can’t believe it’s been a year since the tripawds family lost Bo. He was such a special boy, and I still remember so many of the beautiful pictures you posted of him – especially of his beach outing.
That was a great post. I’m glad life is good. Bo would want it that way. I’m sure he’s proud of you for giving Brady a home.
Our tripawd heroes teach us SO much!
Wow Meghan, a year already? Wow.
What a beautiful tribute to Bo, thank you for sharing with us. Your sweet boy left an impression on this entire community, he will never be forgotten.
I know these milestones can be so difficult, they really do bring up the emotions in all of us don’t they? It’s nice to see that you have Brady now, to help your heart heal and remember how wonderful it is to have dog hair in your life again. I’ll betcha Belle even thinks so!
While we do miss you around here, please dont’ ever feel guilty about not being here. Life happens, and we all understand that. Bo’s story here touches so many people, you are helping just by the fact that you shared it in the blogs. His story will inspire others for many, many years to come.
Much love coming your way on this momentous occasion.
We miss you Bo!
Thank you for posting about life 12 months on. You were finishing your journey just as ours began so I never knew Bo.
You say “I miss Bo every day, but damn, life is good”. That sums it up. I didn’t think I’d ever smile again, let alone be happy. But 4 months on I miss Magnum every day and still shed tears for her every other day, but life is getting better.
Your love for Bo comes through so beautifully.