The past few months have been an emotional roller coaster. Our 100 lb., crazy, energetic, sweet, yellow Lab, Bo, has been diagnosed with bone cancer. The road to diagnosis was stressful in it of itself and post-diagnosis hasn’t been a cake walk either. I am feeling the need to document Bo’s story thus far, mostly for personal peace of mind, but also for some helpful advice and words of wisdom from other tripawed parents.
A quick background on Bo:
I got Bo as a puppy in July of 2005. I was in college, had a job, and finally had some money (with some help from my parents) to buy a dog. Growing up, my family always had dogs and it seemed like a natural transition for me to have one of my own. I found an ad in the paper for yellow lab pups and my sister and I drove a short drive out of state to pick one out. The breeder brought two males for me to choose from: a pale yellow pup and a golden yellow pup. Looking in the pen in the back of his truck, I saw the pale yellow pup sleeping soundly, not disturbing a soul. The other dog, was tearing up the water bowl and ransacking the pen. Of course, I wanted the crazy dog because he had “personality”. That quick glimpse of Bo as a wild, energetic, water-loving puppy can pretty well sum up the past 6 years. If there was something interesting in Bo’s reach, he ate it: trash, credit cards, books, foil, friendship bread mix…the list goes on. If there was a person to seek attention from, Bo was there: he loves his doggy grandparents, kids, dogs, cats, and especially enjoys chasing folks on bikes. And don’t let me forget his love of water! Bo has tried to swim in the toilet, jump in the shower, splash in his water bowl, and dive…I mean really DIVE into the nearest body of water. It hasn’t always been easy living with such a spirited pup, but we have grown to have a deep understanding and bond with one another.
We lived in a townhouse (my husband, cat-Belle, Bo, and myself) for the first 5 years of Bo’s life. Last summer we got a new house! Yes, we really did buy the house because my husband and I love it….But did the fact that it has a pool for Bo to swim in contribute to our decision?!?! ABSOLUTELY! Bo had an amazing summer last year diving in the pool, rolling in the grass and lounging on the porch. As much as we are enjoying our new pad, it warms my heart that Bo has gotten to enjoy the things he loves most as well.
My husband is an amazing photographer, so it is hard to just pick a few pictures…. 🙂

Thanks for joining and sharing Bo’s story! We look forward to following his progress.
Oh, that is definitely a face worth kissing! Handsome and noble and joyful.
Documenting Bo’s journey will help even the path for you. It did for me throughout Catie’s. Truly you’ve come to exactly the right place for support.
Look forward to reading more about your gorgeous boy.
Thank you! I wish I could keep writing tonight, but I think it is bedtime.
wonderful pictures!! what a handsome boy bo is, looking forward to the rest of the story!!
charon & gayle
Thank you!
What a wonderful boy!
I am so happy that you are blogging and documenting the events, emotions, and expectations so others who may be going through the same ordeal can learn and benefit. It is just like you, Meghan! Always thinking of others.
We hope to have crazy Bo around a few more years to drop bones on my feet (ouch) as I come to visit. MOM